Frequently asked questions
What is a naturopathic doctor/physician?
A Naturopathic Doctor (ND) or Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD) is a licensed general care physician trained in the most effective and least invasive means to diagnose, treat and support health and wellness of the individual. NDs must complete a 4-year bachelors undergraduate degree, complete science prerequisites and attend a nationally accredited medical school for 4-5 years. NDs are medically trained in the basic sciences, and all of the “-ologies” that are specific to body systems, nutrition, herbal medicine, exercise, sleep, lifestyle, homeopathy, IV and IM injection therapies, pharmacology etc. NDs are required to complete 700+ hours of clinical patient care and externships in a primary care and specialty settings. NDs order laboratory blood, urine, stool, salivary etc. tests and may prescribe pharmaceutical substances if clinically indicated, but focus primarily on supporting the body by treating the cause of symptoms/disease via natural means. More information may be found here: https://naturopathic.org/page/WhatisaNaturopathicDoctor
Do you offer care for children and adults? What conditions do you treat?
Yes. I see families and family members of all ages. Naturopathic medicine works well in all ages and especially children. I support men, women and children through health challenges and educate them through office visits. Other than pediatrics, I focus on hormone balancing (men/women), fatigue, thyroid (Hashimoto’s, hypo/hyperthyroidism), digestive complaints including IBS, SIBO and candida overgrowth, heartburn, acid reflux, insomnia, inflammation and rheumatic conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, scleroderma, lupus, CREST and acute and chronic COVID-19, Fatty liver disease, food allergies/intolerances/sensitivities, colds, coughs, cardiovascular health, high cholesterol, congestive heart failure, insulin resistance, blood sugar dysregulation, iron deficiency anemia and so on.
What is the difference between naturopathic medicine and functional/integrative medicine?
To be clear, there is Conventional/Allopathic OR Naturopathic medicine. Naturopathic medicine has been, is and will continue to be the medicine that the defectors of the modern “healthcare” system tryingly, but unsuccessfully, model their medicine. Benedict Lust founded naturopathic medicine in 1902, predating any and all conventional pharmaceutical-based medicine. Homeopathy was conceived in 1796. The Flexner Report, funded by Carnegie interests in 1908-1909, attempted to undermine naturopathic approaches in favor of a more chemical based approach to medicine. This damaging report ultimately hindered a naturopathic assessment of the body and favored a financially lucrative and chemical-based medical model. The naturopathic medical approach has always been patient-centered, preventive and has focused on the internal/external origins of patient health complaints. The naturopathic approach focuses on biochemistry, nutrition, physiology, anatomy and pathology in clinical decision making to evaluate the patient and find and treat the cause. Naturopathic doctors have been professionally trained to assess the whole being from the first day of medical school. The notion of board certified naturopathic doctors being opposed to modern medical practices is uneducated hearsay at best. I love working with conventional medical professionals.
Are all nutritional supplements the same?
No. I use professional grade supplements and vitamins, when necessary, to support my patients. Professional grade supplements are available through health professionals. Professional grade supplements are usually certified Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and/or Safe Quality Food (SQF) Certified. GMPs are third party certification entities that evaluate supplement manufacturing by: testing source materials for impurities and heavy metals, industry standard manufacturing processes and quality control to insure that what is on the label is contained in the final product. Not all GMP certifiers are created equal. Also many supplement brands surpass GMP and quality assurance standards. SQF certification is a Global Food Safety Initiative to insure a food safety standard that covers all stages of the food (and supplement) supply chain. Some of the brands I recommend are offered through 3rd party online retailers; however, I caution all of my patients to not purchase supplements through the major online retailers. Many 3rd parties manipulate the product and send the product to purchasers in a manner that looks like the product purchased through a healthcare professional; however, through testing, the supplement has been manipulated and may not contain ANY of what the label indicates. This is a prime example of “buyer beware.”
Do you take insurance and What is a superbill?
I do not take insurance. Insurance companies are not medical schools, therefore they have no say in clinical best practices or course(s) of treatment for patients. I am a cash-based practice. I generate a one page document superbill for the patient for services rendered during an office visit and a one page document for itemized lab services. Insured patients may submit these forms to their insurance company for reimbursement. Any additional documents required for reimbursement for services (office visits) or lab services (blood draws, urinalysis, rapid strep test etc.) will be the responsibility of the patient.
Why is my visit a whole hour?
The first office visits are structured to allow time for me to understand patients and allow patients to ask questions. It takes time to get the whole picture of patient concerns and the health challenges that patients are experiencing. Imagine trying to understand an entire human being physically, mentally and emotionally in 15 minutes. Naturopathic medicine is holistic in it’s approach and effective medical practice necessitates time.
Do you see patients through telemedicine?
Yes. If patients are outside the Flathead Valley or are too sickly to be able to be seen in person, I can manage care through telemedicine visits.
Why does it appear that americans' health continues to decline with "the best" access to healthcare?
Don’t take it from me, consider the words of Dr. Paul Marik, MD, FCCM, FCCP. Dr. Marik has written over 500 peer-reviewed journal articles, 80 book chapters and has been cited over 54,500 times. His 11 minute video illustrates the importance of Naturopathic Medicine as Lifestyle Medicine in the lives of all people. It is worth 11 minutes of your time to watch the following link. Link: covid19criticalcare.com/dr-paul-marik-at-theflorida-summit-on-covid-november-11-2023/